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"I fell in love with the work, and the work was joyful and difficult and interesting, and that was my focus."

                          - Jerry Seinfeld, Comedian

Do you find it a challenge to deliver introductions, speeches and presentations effectively?  You are unique!


Whether your presentation is delivered live or virtually, in our 360-degree approach, we ensure that you keep your uniqueness, while at the same time, draw out your gift from within so that you can speak with confidence!.



Margarita Estrada, coached me as I prepared for a humorous presentation. She gave me directions that I never considered before such as, how to present well on camera, how my voice could improve, where to stand, what to wear and how to position my camera. Margarita also advised on my organization of thought and content so that I can be more effective, understood and most importantly add humor.  As a result, I delivered one of the best speeches of my life and felt pure adrenaline as I saw the audience repeatedly erupt in laughter, while hearing my message.  I highly recommend Margarita Estrada as a Coach/Consultant. I cannot wait to work with her again!

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Speaker Integrity with Brian Cohen

Mario Lewis

World Champion Speaker


The current environment highlights the need for us to communicate and present effectively using online platforms.  Margarita Estrada helped me to quickly adapt my in-person delivery style to a virtual format. I highly recommend working with Margarita because she has a thoughtful, creative, and collaborative coaching style that delivers powerful results!



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I always considered myself an experienced speaker with a vast experience derived from speaking at church events through decades. A lot has changed in the last year and the need to use online platforms effectively is especially important in today’s world.  Margarita Estrada assisted me effectively in adopting the virtual stage. I realized quickly I that I had areas for improvement, it was quite a learning experience for me! I improved so much, that I felt that I was a different speaker after our coaching sessions!   I highly recommend working with her, her energetic style and enthusiasm are contagious. Working with her allowed me to achieve results quickly making It a very pleasurable experience! I love her coaching sessions! Please contact her, you will be glad you did!


SYSTEMS Specialist


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